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Jump To: Directory (67)  |  Text (1)

Directories (67)
Name# Files   Name# Files   Name# Files
AdressenPro 1.02   Adressenverwaltung 1.02   AdressPro 1.012
ANIICON_ V1.0 TAniIcon2   ATABCTRL_ V1.0 Tabs mit Glyphs2   AUTO32_ Auto Components Library2
Autom. Tabellenrefresh im Netz2   BANNER16_ V1.1.0 TBanner2   BANNER32_ V1.1.0 TBanner2
BETA Version der Multimedia Tool2   BLUECODE_ 1.0 15 Komponenten2   BrowseFolderDialog2
CLOCKS2_ V1.01 Clock-Komponenten2   Delphi - Eigenschaft COLOR !2   Delphi - LZH Algorithmus2
Delphi-grapheur2   Delphi-RAS2   Delphi-WinG Pack2
Demopr. MultimediaTools BETA 0.72   DGCB3_ Delphi Games Creator2   Digitalanzeige mit u. 50 Digits2
DTOOLS30_ V3.0 DTools 16_32-Bit2   DZIPDIR_ Gepackte Archive listen2   EXINI_ Erweiterte INI-Dateien2
EXPLBTN_ V2.4 TExplorerButton2   EXTPAGE_ V2.0 ExtPageControl2   Gauge-Anzeige wie WIN95!2
GRADFORM_ V1.11 TGradientForm2   GRADIE_ TGradientFill2   GRIDSORT_ Stringgrid sortieren2
Hilfs Programm fuer Delphi2   Icon-Application (TrayIcon)2   ICONCTLS_ V1.01 TIconComboBox2
INSTALL2_ V1.2 TInstall2   Komponenten der LMD-TOOLS Freew2   Leuchtdiode-Komponente !Freeware2
LMD-TOOLS V1.13 (16+32bit)2   MEMOSE_ Such-Ersetzendlg f. Text2   Mini-IDAPI-Install ca.700KB2
Moving from VB to Delphi2   MUBMP200_ V2.00 TMCMultiBitmap2   NDCRED12_ V1.2 N&D Credits2
PGMCHECK_ V1.0 TProgramCheck2   PICKLIST_ TPickList2   PixelGraphicLibrary2
POPUPBOX_ V3.15 PopupBox2   PPACK_ Steuerung von ext Progr2   PROCESS_ TProcess2
QUICKCAM_ V1.0 ConnectixQuickcam2   RCADIGI_ V1.03 Digital Display2   SockV32
Sprite-Komponente2   SYSINF~1_ V1.0 TSysInfo2   Tabellenstrukturen drucken2
TANIBTN_ V1.0 TAnimatedButton2   TMODBNAV_ V1.1 TmoDBNav2   TOMAPI95_ Filetool Unit für Delp2
TROLLUP_ TRollup2   TShadowForm2   TYPEDRCB_ V1.1 TTypedDriveCom2
USAPPBAR_ TUSAppBar2   WAVEIN_ TWaveInOut2   Windows-Spy-Prog. mit Source2
WINROLL_ V1.0 TWinRoller2

Text (1)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
url.txt Text File 1 16b 2014-12-20